ACTRAN 是著名的声学软件提供商--比利时FFT公司的旗舰产品。本课程由海基科技副总李奇博士讲授,李奇博士毕业于同济大学声学所、瑞典皇家工航空与车辆工程系MWL实验室,具有十年以上声学仿真经验,是资深CAE专家。本课程为ACTRAN VibroAcoustics高级课程,若您想了解更为基础的ACTRAN VibroAcoustics相关课程,请点击链接ACTRAN VibroAcoustics基础课程。
1 Trim component analysis
2 Transmission loss of a multi-layered windshield
3 Vibro-Acoustic analysis of a muffler with Actran (using a hybrid modal/ physical approach)
4 Vibro-Acoustic analysis of a muffler: staggered approach
5 Vibro-Acoustic responses of a structure under a diffuse sound field
6 Pre-Stress effect and composite