Welcome to the "Getting started with Augmented Reality" MOOC! We are excited
to have you in the class. Let's meet the course team and introduce yourself to the community.
Introducing Mixed and Augmented Reality
In this module we will explain the key concepts and techniques
at work in Mixed and Augmented Reality. We will also spend some time explaining some business aspects
of augmented reality: the AR market, the potential applications and the value chain. At the end of this module,
we’ll identify the main characteristics of AR systems and we’ll specify the main components of an AR architecture.
Augmented Books
In this module you will create an AR application for printed media:
an Augmented Book. For this, in the first part of the module,
we shall use an authoring tool and an AR browser. In the second part,
we will have a closer look at the code produced by the authoring tool.
If you want to go deeper and learn how to “program” it and change the behavior
of the application, you can access the Honors material.
Augment Your City Map
In this module you will learn how to use the image recognition
and tracking process to enrich an image with a 3D object.
At the end of this module, you will have an AR application that will augment a city map with a 3D model.
If you have difficulties with the assignments, you should post on the Discussions section to ask for help.
To get started, please jump into the first lesson below!
Augmented Reality with Geolocation
This module concerns the geolocation in Augmented Reality and spans 2 weeks.
This week, we walk you step by step in the creation of an AR geolocalized quiz game.
Customizing an Augmented Reality Game
In this module, you will have a closer look at the code of the
AR Quiz produced by the authoring tool in the previous module.
You will spend almost the entire module in understanding the ARAF format for AR Quiz and then
you will learn how to “program” it and change the behavior of the application.