课程目录: 矩阵分解和先进技术培训

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PrefaceMatrix Factorization (Part 1)

This is a two-part, two-week module on matrix factorization recommender techniques.
It includes an assignment and quiz (both due in the second week), and an honors assignment (also due in the second week).
Please pace yourself carefully -- it will be difficult to finish in two weeks unless you start the assignments during the first week.

Matrix Factorization (Part 2)

Hybrid Recommenders

This is a three-part, two-week module on hybrid and machine learning recommendaton algorithms and advanced recommender techniques.
It includes a quiz (due in the second week), and an honors assignment (also due in the second week).
Please pace yourself carefully -- it will be difficult to finish the honors track in two weeks unless you start the assignments during the first week.

Advanced Machine Learning

Advanced Topics