课程目录:Apache Spark Streaming with Scala培训
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  Apache Spark Streaming with Scala培训





Scala Programming in Depth Review

Syntax and structure
Flow control and functions
Spark Internals

Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD)
Spark script to graph to cluster
Overview of Spark Streaming

Streaming architecture
Intervals in streaming
Fault tolerance
Preparing the Development Environment

Installing and configuring Apache Spark
Installing and configuring the Scala IDE
Installing and configuring JDK
Spark Streaming Beginner to Advanced

Working with key/value RDD's
Filtering RDD's
Improving Spark scripts with regular expressions
Sharing data on a cluster
Working with network data sets
Implementing BFS algorithms
Creating Spark driver scripts
Tracking in real time with scripts
Writing continuous applications
Streaming linear regression
Using Spark Machine Learning Library
Spark and Clusters

Bundling dependencies and Spark scripts using the SBT tool
Using EMR for illustrating clusters
Optimizing by partitioning RDD's
Using Spark logs
Integration in Spark Streaming

Integrating Apache Kafka and working with Kafka topics
Integrating Apache Fume and working with pull-based/push-based Flume configurations
Writing a custom receiver class
Integrating Cassandra and exposing data as real-time services
In Production

Packaging an application and running it with Spark-Submit
Troubleshooting, tuning, and debugging Spark Jobs and clusters
Summary and Conclusion