课程目录:Quasar Framework and Vue.js培训
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Quasar Framework Overview

What is Quasar Framework?
Quasar Framework features
Vue JS at a Glance

Virtual DOM
Data binding
Preparing the Development Environment

Installing and configuring Quasar Framework
Installing and configuring VueJS
Vue.js Quick Start

Binding data
Displaying lists
Handling events
Creating custom components
State and Data Management Vuex

Setting up a store
Working with tasks
Forms and Validation

Adding and editing tasks
Validating forms and input
Data Persistence with Firebase

Creating a project
Importing data
Reading and writing data
Handling errors
Development on Platforms

Using Electron
Using Cordova
Building for production
Testing the Application

Testing with unit tests and mock tests
Debugging the Application

Handling errors
Deploying the Application

Deploying a cross-platform application
Hosting a cross-platform application
Running on different emulated OS devices
Securing the Application

Hiding data

Summary and Conclusion