课程目录:Advanced Node Application Development With GraphQL培训
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   Advanced Node Application Development With GraphQL培训





What is GrahpQL?

The evolution of GraphQL
GraphiQl and GitHub API
Overview of GraphQL Basics

The Fundamentals of APIs and Their Functionality

Scalar types
Web Architecture Patterns: the composite pattern, proxy pattern, and facade pattern
Preparing the Development Environment

Installing and configuring GraphQL
Installing and configuring Node.Js
Installing and configuring Apollo
Installing and configuring Prisma
Schemas and Queries

Setting up a GraphQL API
Creating a custom object type
Using a GraphQL schema
Passing data through operation arguments
Working with array and array elements
Exploring relational data
Mutations and Subscriptions

Creating, deleting, and updating data with mutations
Using the object spread operator
Refactoring node architecture
Creating a subscription
Expanding the subscription for edits and deletions
Authentication in GraphQL with Prisma

Setting up a custom type resolver
Passing queries through Prisma
Passing arguments through Prisma
Passing mutations through Prisma
Passing subscriptions through Prisma
Adding password support
Verifying tokens
Apollo Client and Testing

Setting up a test environment
Seeding with test data
Testing queries and mutations
Testing authentication
Summary and Conclusion