课程目录:Javascript and Vue.js for Beginners培训
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  Javascript and Vue.js for Beginners培训





Javascript and the world of frameworks
Vue.js vs Angular
Overview of Vue JS

Declarative rendering
Component composition
Time-travel debugging
Crash Course in Javascript

Syntax, data structures and operators, conditionals, etc.
Creating a simple Javascript application using Javascript, HTML and CSS.
Getting Started Vue JS

Setting up a development environment
Installing Node.js and Vue.js
Creating Your First Application

Working with Templates
Methods and computed properties
Interacting with the Application

Directives and data rendering
Applying transitions
Managing state
Enhancing the Application

Dividing the application into smaller, self-contained components
Creating animations
Refactoring components
Testing Your application

Debugging and performance
Deploying Your Application

Building the Application
Uploading Your Code to a Web Server
Automating the build process using Vue-CLI, etc.

Summary and Conclusion