MATLAB to C with MATLAB Coder培训课程
MATLAB® Fundamentals and knowledge of C programming language
Code Generation with MATLAB Coder
Objective: Become familiar with MATLAB Coder and its applications.
MATLAB Coder overview
Workflow for generating C code from MATLAB code
Setting up your C compiler
Generating C code
Navigating generated code
Generated code modules
Preparing MATLAB Code for Code Generation
Objective: Use MATLAB Coder coding standards to write MATLAB code that is ready for code generation.
Translating MATLAB code into C code
Calling unsupported MATLAB functions
Converting existing MATLAB code
Debugging strategies
Working with Fixed-Size Data
Objective: Generate C code from MATLAB code that has fixed-size or constant inputs.
Data characteristics overview
Default data characteristics
Specifying fixed-size top-level inputs
Specifying constant top-level inputs
Working with Variable-Size Data
Objective: Generate C code from MATLAB code that has variable-size inputs or local data.
Specifying variable-size top-level inputs
Specifying variable-size local data
Reusing variables
Working with Global Data and Structures
Objective: Generate C code from MATLAB code that contains persistent data, global variables, or input structures.
Persistent variables
Global variables
Working with structures
Passing variables by reference
Integrating with External Code
Objective: Integrate generated C code from MATLAB Coder with external C code.
Code integration overview
Entry points to generated code
Integrating external C code using MATLAB Coder interface
Integrating external C code using an external IDE
Calling external C routines
Integrating with a MATLAB wrapper function
Optimizing Generated Code
Objective: Use various options and techniques to optimize generated code.
Specifying variable numbers of arguments
Loop unrolling in generated code
Null initialization
Function inlining
File partitioning
Configuration object for embeddable C code generation
Naming conventions in generated code
Optimizing for computational complexity