本课程面向企事业项目实际需要,秉承二十一年积累的教学品质,嵌入式开发语言之适用于实时开发人员的 C 语言培训课程以项目实现为导向,老师将会与您分享设计的全流程以及工具的综合使用技巧、经验。线上/线下/上门皆可,嵌入式开发语言之适用于实时开发人员的 C 语言培训课程专家,课程可定制,热线:4008699035。
适用于实时开发人员的 C 语言培训课程
C for Real-Time Developers
Introduction to Real-Time Systems
- Characteristics and demands of real-time software development
Introduction to C Programming
- Structure of a C program
- The C compilation process
Types and Operators
- C base types
- Precedence & associativity
- Arithmetic operations
Control Flow
- Logical expressions and operations
- Decision Making
- Loops
- Pointer basics
Bit Manipulation & Hardware Access
- Accessing hardware with pointers
- Manipulating information at the bit level
- General Purpose IO (GPIO)
- The Function as a logical program unit
- How parameters are passed
- Memory segments
Arrays, Pointers and Strings
- Arrays as circular buffers
- Relationship between pointers & arrays
- Pointer arithmetic
- C string handling
Device Interaction & Synchronization
- Polling devices
- Serial peripheral programming
Structures and Unions
- Structures;
- Big & Little Endian
- Unions
- Using structures to access I/O devices
- Bit-field structures
- Internal & External interrupt control
- Nested Interrupts
- Priorities & Masks
- Software Interrupts
Dynamic Memory Management
- Malloc and free
- Linked list
- Issues (leaks, fragmentation, etc.)
Program Structure
- Definitions and declarations;
- Header files
- Scope and lifetime
The C Pre-Processor
- Macros
- Conditional Compilation
Program Design Concepts
- Why modular design?
- Coupling and cohesion
- Testing the program
- Scheduling strategies
- Context switching
- Function pointers
- Task synchronisation and communication
- MMU and memory protection
- Concurrency and libraries
The Standard C Library
Target Specific Considerations
- Language features affecting portability
- Non-standard C language features
- Assembly language interfacing
- What happens at power-on?
- Initialising the C runtime
Course Summary